40 Under 40 – Nicole Ludwig

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Nicole Ludwig

Nicole Ludwig

Age: 35

City of residence: St. Marys

Current title: Director of Client Services

Place of business: VMAG - Veteran’s Medical Assistance Group

Professional responsibilities: Assist Veterans with their disability claims. Provide support and understanding while dealing with a vulnerable part of their life.

Accomplishments/Honors: Endeavor Award -Written, Oral, and Digital Communications.

Community Involvement: I am a Board Member of the Camden Miracle Field.

Why did you go into your particular field? I come from a large family of military service members, including my husband. Veterans lack support, I knew in my heart I needed to step up and help them get what they deserve.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Growing up I had a love for Chemistry, although I really wanted to be an Olympic swimmer.

What was your first job? Fox’s Pizza Den in Port Allegany, PA

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “Be a coffee bean” – Damon West.

What’s your favorite thing about your job? Knowing that I made a difference.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? Not everything is a rush, slowing down and trusting the process is ok.

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? My brother, for being supportive and pushing me to strive to be the best version of myself.

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? Read a lot. Travel and spend time with my boys fishing, golfing, or just playing outside.

What is something about you that most people don’t know? I’m afraid of ladybugs.

How do you hope to grow in your career? Remain consistent, grow more, and help as many Veterans as possible.

If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Working with those who struggle with Mental Health Illness.