40 Under 40 – Calli Kennedy

  • Calli Kennedy
    Calli Kennedy

Calli Kennedy

Age: 35

City of residence: Kingsland

Current title: Photographer

Place of business: The Living Lenz

Professional responsibilities: Customer relations, marketing, social media director, Session creative, Baby whisper, Children wrangler, Communication expert, Administration, Editor, Photography expert, Community connection 

Accomplishments/Honors: Best of Georgia Wedding Photographer 2021, 2022, & 2023

Best of Camden Photographer 2023 

Community Involvement: Sponsor several sport teams for elementary, middle school, & High school 

Volunteer for Portraits for Patriots

Volunteer for Now I Lay Me down to Sleep 

Why did you go into your particular field? Photography helped open so many doors on how I could help different people/ families in our community. I believe God gave me this gift and led me exactly where I needed to be

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Anything that people did not expect of me.

What was your first job? Lifeguard & Bank teller, each part time jobs from high school through college. 

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Do not try to put your ducks in a row, settle for keeping them in the pond

What’s your favorite thing about your job? Truly understanding & loving different people in our community through long term friendships

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? I first started my career as an engineer & Logistician. I wish I would have not been so hard on myself & trusted that I will go where I needed to be in life. 

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? My parents & Husband. I am a go mixture of my mom and dad. Between the two of them, I have always had the guidance to make me look beyond my emotions in that moment & look at other Point of views. However, it is my Husband who reminds me to look beyond the day to day issues and listen to what God asks of us.

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? Spend time with my Husband and our 2 girls. 

What is something about you that most people don’t know? Georgia is the Longest place I have ever lived and it is now my family’s forever home

How do you hope to grow in your career? To carve out my own corner in Camden and hopefully be a part of the building blocks that make our community worthy of love.

If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? This is it! If I have a back up plan, then I am not putting everything I have into photography.