40 Under 40 – Brittany Goldstein


Brittany Goldstein

Age: 37

City of residence: Kingsland, GA

Current title: Business Owner

Goldecon Crime Scene Trauma Scene Clean Up

Goldshine Mobile Detailing 

Place of business: Camden County, GA

Professional responsibilities: Goldecon Crime Scene Trauma Scene Clean Up, I specialize in the clean up of trauma scenes which are contaminated with potentially infectious material or regulated biomedical waste due to a homicide, suicide or the death of a human being in which there is advanced decomposition of the body. I am responsible for making sure regulated biomedical waste gets disposed of properly as well as making sure all laws and regulations within the industry are properly followed with integrity within the State of GA. I am responsible for making sure that my company maintains confidentiality when dealing with a tragedy in your home. I deal with insurance companies as well because this is a service that is more than likely paid for via homeowners insurance or a victims fund. I am responsible for following and maintaining permits with the EPA as well. 

I also specialize in infectious disease decontamination, hoarding, gross filth and drug decontamination such as fentanyl.

Goldshine Mobile Detailing is a full service mobile detailing company that specializes in detailing of vehicles, motorcycles, boats and RVs.  We are a completely self contained service which means we come to you either at home or at a business. 

Accomplishments/Honors: I was the first biohazard company registered in the State of GA when the new law took effect, my license reads (TSWM-P000001). 

I am also certified in all 50 states and can operate at a federal level. 

Winner of Best of GA

Community Involvement:

Member of the Chamber of Commerce

Assistant Youth Softball Coach

Sponsor of the Camden Middle School Softball Team

Sponsor of the VFW Swamp Ride

Sponsor of the Kids Entrepreneurs Market 

I am very active in the Art Community.

Member of Cleaner911 

Why did you go into your particular field? I sort of stumbled upon the industry, I received a call with Goldshine regarding a drug overdose in a vehicle, I attempted to find a service that could do such a thing and I was unable to find one. I ended up doing the job because I truly wanted to help this person. After I completed the job I did some homework and was enrolled in classes to get certified. I felt it was a need in this community and I wanted to be that person that people can trust during their hardest times. 

I hope the person who made that Goldshine call reads this, I want you to know that call you made me actually found my calling in life and that truly has helped many people. I will continue to think of you every day my phone rings and someone needs me for a clean-up, you truly impacted my life and others. I will forever continue helping people during tragedies because of that call.  

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Police Officer, backing the blue was important to me as a child and is still important to me today. Thank you to the men and women who protect and serve. 

What was your first job? My first real job was at Walmart, I was the Loss Prevention Manager and held that position for about 10 years. 

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Do one thing every day that challenges you.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

It is a very simple answer, helping people when they need me most.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? That is easy, I should have learned to think outside of the box a long time ago. 

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? Gordy Powell he owns Georgia Clean out of Atlanta. Gordy was the maker of House Bill 417 which is the bill that regulated the trauma clean up industry. Gordy has guided me in many ways in this industry whether it has been cleaning questions, billing questions or just an ear for me. Gordy and I have the same morals and values when it comes to the importance of this industry and the standards that should take place. Gordy is my people and I respect everything he has done and will always do to help people. Thank you Gordy for everything you have taught me and guided me on. 

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax?

I watch my daughter play softball, ride the golf cart around with my wonderful husband, garden and I love to read. 

What is something about you that most people don’t know?

I am part of the Gold Star Family, in 2004 I lost my father who was active duty military. My dad was a huge Peyton Manning fan which is why my daughter is named Payton ironically my husband and Peyton Manning share the exact same birthday. I think it was a sign if I didn’t know any better. 

How do you hope to grow in your career? I will continue my education in the industry. 

If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Living and traveling in a RV 


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Brittany Goldstein