40 Under 40 – Calen Campbell

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Calen Campbell

Calen Campbell

Age: 30

City of residence: Woodbine

Current title: System Patient Safety Manager

Place of business: Southeast Georgia Health System

Professional responsibilities: In Patient Safety, our department diligently examines voluntarily reported safety incidents. Through formal reviews, we meticulously analyze processes to identify where the process may have broken down, contributing to the incident. These extensive reviews empower our Health System to redesign procedures and protocols in an effort to mitigate risk points, with the goal of providing reliable and safe care for subsequent patients. Additionally, we collaborate closely with organizational leaders and team members, fostering a safety-conscious culture where everyone feels empowered to voice concerns.


• Registered Nurse Licensure - 2016

• Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) – 2021

• Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS) – 2022

• Georgia Hospital Association (GHA) 2nd Place (HRO Committee Effort)- Commitment to Transparency and Safety- Redesign of Daily Safety Huddles using HRO Principles – 2024

• Alliant Health Learning & Networking Presentation – June 2024

Community Involvement: My family and I actively participate in community fundraisers in addition to providing charitable donations when a need is identified. Additionally

Why did you go into your particular field? I’ve always had a strong desire to help others, but I wanted to make a more significant impact than what my patient load during a shift allowed. As a Patient Safety Manager, I now have the opportunity to collaborate with leaders and team members across the organization on large projects. These initiatives can positively affect not only ever patient who walks into our Health System but also enhance efficiency for our care teams.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I grew up with three educators in my family, and always thought I would end up being a teacher. God had other plans for me!

What was your first job? I worked for Camden County Schools in the Extended Day Program at Crooked River Elementary, my senior year of high school.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? In high school, I participated in competitive cheerleading, and my mom would always say to me before every competition, “Never leave any ‘ifs’ on the mat.” This advice resonates with me even today. It reminds me to be present, intentional, and authentic in my interactions with my everyday life.

What’s your favorite thing about your job? I feel so privileged to be heavily involved with influential leaders who are shifting the cultural paradigm where we work. Hyper-focusing on creating a safe environment for our team members and patients fills my cup.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? This has been a hard lesson to learn, but I cannot be all things for all people. If I could give anyone advice who is newly entering the professional world, it would be to set healthy boundaries by setting priorities. You will never be able to give your best self to a project or assignment if you’re stretched too thin.

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? I do not have a mentor; however, I am surrounded by exceptional leaders, and I am constantly observing their habits and learning how to adopt some of those mannerisms and habits into my own professional practice.

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? When I am not at work, my family and I enjoy boat days with our sweet friends!

What is something about you that most people don’t know?

Bar soap & cotton balls are my ick.

How do you hope to grow in your career?

I would love to continue developing my skillset as a leader and advance in Patient Safety.

If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing?

I love interior design and party planning!