40 Under 40 – Mary Catherine Williams

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Mary Catherine Williams

Mary Catherine Williams

Age: 36

City of residence: St. Marys

Current title: Office Manager

Place of business: Happy Apple Academy

Professional responsibilities: As the Office Manager, or as some like to call this position the “Principal,” I get to be a splash of it all. I am able to love on all the children up and down the halls while answering phone calls, accounting responsibilities, and supply management. I enjoy creating flyers, newsletters, and other marketing strategies for upcoming events and school happenings.  I also assist the teachers with whatever they need. Keeping them stocked with supplies to help them succeed in the classroom is very important and it helps to keep everyone’s day running smoothly. 

Accomplishments/ Honors: My best honor is becoming a mom to my two daughters, Morgan (10) and Emmie (8) with my husband, Thomas Williams of 17 years. Before getting married and starting a family, I graduated from the University of Florida with my Bachelors of Science in Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management. My senior year I had the opportunity to intern for the President of UF at his home and office during special events. I also enjoyed my semester internship with the CIty of Jacksonville Special Events where we hosted city wide events in Downtown Jacksonville. 

Community Involvement: We have lived in St. Marys close to 6 years now and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. As a family, we are members of the St. Marys Methodist Church. I have been a part of a few different committees within the church, one being the recent renovations to our Sanctuary and also, Staff-Parish Relations. I also help with our Children's Ministry during our VBS every summer. I stay involved with my girls' local elementary school, SMES,  through PTO. We strive to enhance the school experience through small events and fundraisers all while supporting our teachers and staff. 

Why did you go into your particular field? Soon after we moved downtown in 2018, we found our Christian home at St. Marys Methodist Church. Here is where I learned what Happy Apple Academy means to the community of St. Marys. My youngest daughter was able to be a part of Happy Apple for two years. As anyone that has been able to experience Happy Apple, you quickly learn what a special place it is and you just never want to leave. So when I was offered a position with Happy Apple two years ago I was thrilled to join such a loving, Christian family. 

Whats your favorite thing about your job? My favorite thing about my job is doing what I love. There are so many wonderful and fulfilling things about working at Happy Apple Academy. Helping with the children and working with such caring, inspiring teachers in a Christian environment is at the forefront. Another reason I love my job is connecting with families, past and present. I answer so many phone calls from parents that say, “I went to Happy Apple and would love to sign my child up this year.” To know that Happy Apple still holds such a special place for generations past and present. Happy Apple Academy has been so rewarding and just a perfect place for me and my family. 

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? My mom, Gwen Boyd, is my biggest mentor. She has always been my biggest supporter, who I turn to for guidance and advice, and has given me all the tools I need to succeed in all aspects of life. My mom has taught me to be a good friend and most importantly a great mom, which I know I fall short compared to her. 

She was a stay at home mom for most of my life growing up and it was such a blessing for me and my siblings. She worked during my elementary days as a Christian Preschool Educator for 10 years and this allowed others to learn from her great qualities while also teaching them to live for the Lord. My mom has been married to my dad for 50 years and they have taught me what a strong, committed, Christian marriage looks like. My mom is such a positive person, always striving to look for the good in people and has always taught me to give others second chances and to forgive. From home maker, juggling 3 children, and keeping a strong marriage, she epitomizes selflessness, patience, and love. I will continue to strive each and every day to be more like her. 

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? When I’m not enjoying my time at Happy Apple, I love to be with my family. Time spent running my girls to practices and watching them do what they love is the highlight of my week. This Fall I will enjoy watching my oldest cheer on the Bobcats as a Cheerleader for St. Marys Middle and my youngest running the bases playing softball. There are many Friday nights spent on the couch with my girls watching movies and just relaxing. On the weekends you can usually find us on the boat headed to Fernandina for lunch and then enjoying the sunshine and all that Cumberland Island has to offer. I do have a great circle of mom friends that I can call on too.  We visit local restaurants for dinner and enjoy catching up from our busy mom life schedules. 

What is something about you that most people don’t know? I really enjoy being at our home. I constantly have a small project going on, whether it is remodeling our kitchen and knocking down walls or just a fresh paint color in a bedroom, I’m always looking to make this house our home. My husband and I tackle most of these projects, well maybe more him than me, I’m really just the planner and decorator, but we do enjoy brainstorming and having our vision come to life. Shopping for home decor in antique stores is part of the fun too!