40 Under 40 – Megan Alexandria Molix

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Megan Alexandria Molix

Megan Alexandria Molix

Age: 39

City of residence: Kingsland, Ga

Current title: Project & Communications Coordinator; Brand Strategist

Place of business: Molix & Company; Camden Connection

Professional responsibilities: As the founder of Molix & Company, we specialize in helping public figures and entrepreneurs build, manage, and organically market their brands. Our mission is to empower our clients to establish strong, authentic connections with their audiences. Through strategic brand development and creative marketing techniques, we enable individuals and businesses to effectively communicate their message and achieve their goals.

As a Project & Communications Coordinator at Camden Connection, I take the lead in prevention efforts under the "Stand Together" Campaign and manage organizational communication strategies. This role allows me to leverage my skills in project management and communication to make a positive impact in our community. By collaborating with diverse stakeholders and implementing innovative promotional strategies, I contribute to increasing brand awareness and fostering engagement around important social issues.

Accomplishments/Honors: Hold a Prevention Apprentice Certification, Two Endeavor tags for Written, Oral & Communication from the College of Coastal Georgia, Brand Strategy training with the American Marketing Association

Community Involvement: Camden Suicide Prevention Coalition- Member, Church Girls Inc. - Member, Word of Faith Ministries- Member

Why did you go into your particular field? I entered the marketing field somewhat unexpectedly. Initially, I taught myself graphic design to assist my church in cost-saving measures, which eventually evolved into a business venture. However, I soon discovered my true passion is in creating promotional strategies and fostering strong client-audience relationships. Ensuring my clients maintain a positive presence on social media platforms became my focus. What keeps me in this field is the satisfaction of helping individuals achieve their goals and fulfill what they believe is the purpose and impact they have in this world.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a combination of Dominique Dawes and Oprah! The days of gymnastics are over but I think I can still have my own talk show!

What was your first job? Well, if you count being the eldest daughter, then that was it! But my first paying gig was actually at McDonald's!

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “If it has no purpose, then it has no place in your life”

What’s your favorite thing about your job? In everything I do, my favorite thing is being creative, whether it is creating the designs or the strategies! Seeing the creative vision come “alive” is definitely my favorite part.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? That “perfection” is not necessary for success! You do not have to be perfect; you just have to be yourself- because that is enough. In addition, Failure is bound to happen at some point but it is what we do after the failure that makes the difference.

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? My mother. I have watched her overcome so many obstacles and watched her succeed in so many things that it inspires me. Most mother-daughter relationships are either good or bad and I have been blessed to walk through both ends of the spectrum with my mom. She will correct me, teach me, support me and not only is she my business partner but also now my best friend. She has taught me to be the woman I am today.

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? Being near the water always helps me relax. Whether it is going to the beach or the St. Mary’s Waterfront, I can sit, meditate, read or write poetry and spend time with my niece, Isabella.

What is something about you that most people don’t know? I am a self-proclaimed foodie! I have a foodie Instagram page called Another Southern Foodie where I share food from different places I visit. I believe every meal has a story to tell!

How do you hope to grow in your career? I aspire to become an expert in Marketing & Communications, both in the nonprofit sector and private industry. However, that is not my only goal. I also aim to expand my brand to include a podcast and opportunities for public speaking. Through these platforms, I hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams while providing practical steps to help them achieve their goals.  

If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? I would still be either an executive assistant or a Sales Manager