40 Under 40 – Jessica Murray

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Jessica Murray

Jessica Murray

Age: 40

City of residence: Woodbine

Current title:

(1) Director of Professional and Lifelong Learning

(2) Co-Owner

(3) Co-Owner

Place of business:

(1) University of North Florida (UNF)

(2) Hypsy Gypsy Frosé Bar

(3) Luxe & Loco, LLC

Professional responsibilities: As the Director of Professional and Lifelong Learning at the University of North Florida Division of Continuing Education, I oversee a diverse portfolio of educational programs designed to meet the needs of professionals at all stages of their careers. My responsibilities include strategic planning, curriculum development, partnership cultivation with industry leaders, ensuring the delivery of high-quality learning experiences, and more. I lead a dedicated team focused on expanding program offerings and enhancing community outreach.

In addition to my role at the university, I am Co-Owner of Hypsy Gypsy Frosé Bar, where I co-manage business operations, marketing strategies, and customer engagement to ensure a unique and enjoyable experience for our patrons. Our focus on innovation has positioned us as a popular hotspot in our community.

I also co-own Luxe & Loco, LLC, an event planning company specializing in creating memorable and meticulously executed events. It is under this umbrella where I serve as the Pageant Director for Camden County pageants. Here, I am responsible for organizing and overseeing pageant events that celebrate and empower young women in our community. This includes event planning, participant mentoring, community outreach, and ensuring that each pageant runs smoothly and professionally.

Balancing these responsibilities requires strong organizational skills, a commitment to excellence, and a passion for community engagement and professional development. Each position allows me to leverage my strengths in leadership, strategic planning, and relationship building to make a positive impact in various sectors.


My educational background, including a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from University of Tennessee and a master’s degree in Educational Technology, Training, and Development from University of North Florida has provided a strong foundation for my career. I have been fortunate to receive recognition and achieve milestones that reflect my commitment to excellence and community impact across my various professional endeavors.

As the Director of Professional and Lifelong Learning at UNF, a particularly significant accomplishment was playing a pivotal role in the UNF Division of Continuing Education’s launch of its first adult study abroad program, In the Footsteps of St. Francis. This program was a groundbreaking addition to our program offerings. I also spearheaded the efforts to respond to the pandemic with crisis remote learning to avoid course disruption for hundreds of learners and expanded our program offerings to make professional education more accessible to a broader audience, empowering countless individuals to advance their careers. As part of this response, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers presented me with a Certificate of Achievement for my efforts in providing the means to provide CQM-C training to individuals in over 4 continents and in over 20 countries during the pandemic. I also received UNF’s Presidential Excellence Spot Award. My commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning has seen our enrollment numbers grow and our programs receive positive feedback from participants.

Co-owning Hypsy Gypsy with my sister has been a remarkable venture where I have contributed to creating a vibrant and welcoming community space. Our focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences has garnered a loyal customer base and positive word-of-mouth within our community.

In my role as Pageant Director, I have established Miss 4th of July, Miss Kingsland, Miss Mardi Gras, and Miss Camden County; I also acquired directorship of Miss Crawfish in 2022. This position has allowed me to help build confidence and develop personal and professional skills in our community’s young women. The positive transformation and growth I witness in the participants are incredibly rewarding.

My real achievements are in the meaningful relationships built, the opportunities created for others, and the lasting impact of my contributions to the community and professional fields. My academic achievements have equipped me with the knowledge and skills to excel in these diverse roles and drive positive change.

Community Involvement: Outside of my traditional career at UNF where I actively engage with organizations to develop programs that address their needs, I served as the Camden FFA Alumni President from 2019-2023. In this volunteer position, I was instrumental in the success of its biggest fundraiser, the Boots and Chutes Rodeo. Under my leadership, we significantly increased participation and fundraising outcomes, enabling us to provide more scholarships and resources to local FFA students. This event not only supported agricultural education, but also brought the community together.

Additionally, I serve on the Woodbine Crawfish Festival Planning Committee and UNF’s Educational Technology, Training, and Development Board.

Why did you go into your particular field? My journey into the field of higher education was shaped by a deep-rooted passion for education. After earning my bachelor’s degree, I sought to explore the world and broaden my understanding of different cultures and educational systems. This led me to South Korea, where I spent three years teaching English as a second language. Teaching there was a transformative experience and allowed me to witness firsthand the profound impact that education can have on individuals and communities. This experience ignited my passion for lifelong learning and reinforced my belief in the power of education as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Upon returning to the U.S., I was determined to continue making a difference in the field of education and joined the University of Georgia’s Personal and Professional Department. When my husband, Tyler Murray, and I moved back home to Camden, I was resolute in finding a similar position, in which I was fortunate to find at UNF.

My entrepreneurial spirit led me to co-own Hypsy Gypsy and Luxe & Loco, LLC. Both ventures allow me to blend my passion for event planning and bringing people together.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher; didn’t we all “play school”?!

What was your first job? My very first job was at Dynasty Chinese Restaurant at the age of 16. Only OG Camden natives will remember this beloved local spot.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the positive impact you have on others.” This advice has shaped my approach to leadership and community involvement, led me to take on volunteer roles, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around me.

What’s your favorite thing about your job? The opportunity to make a tangible, positive impact on people’s lives. Whether it’s through opening new doors for individuals’ professional and personal development at UNF, fostering community spirit and joy in the welcoming space we have crafted at Hypsy Gypsy, or watching our female youth grow in confidence and poise through Camden’s pageants, the sense of purpose and connection is what I love most about my jobs.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? Throughout my career I have encountered numerous situations that required me to step out of my comfort zone. These experiences taught me that being open to change and willing to learn from every situation can lead to growth and new opportunities that I hadn’t originally envisioned.

Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? My older sister, Jennifer McGhan, has always been my greatest mentor. Growing up, I looked up to her as she excelled academically and professionally, setting a high standard for me to follow. Her perseverance and ability to overcome challenges inspired me to pursue my own ambitions with confidence and resilience.

When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? When I’m not at work, well, the real question is if I ever have time to relax! With my hands in so many roles, free time is a rare luxury. Between keeping my kids involved in extracurricular activities and being a “Momager” to my daughter, Tessa, there’s always something going on. When I do manage to carve out a moment for myself, I enjoy streaming popular shows, discovering new music, exploring the latest culinary spots, getting creative with crafts, and catching up on the latest TikTok trends.

What is something about you that most people don’t know? I spent three years teaching English as a second language in South Korea and learned how to read hangul. Additionally, despite my busy schedule juggling multiple roles, I secretly enjoy binge-watching cheesy reality TV shows.

How do you hope to grow in your career? I hope to expand my knowledge and skills in both education and entrepreneurship. I want to expand our community initiatives, enhance my leadership capabilities, and continue to donate my time and talent to local organizations.

If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Based on my love for travel and experiencing different cultures, I could see myself being a travel vlogger or, alternatively, working more deeply in community development or non-profit management.